
Friday 5 July 2019

Llama Drama

In our class we were making Llamas.
this is how you can make one 
1  you draw your Llama
2 put some crayon in your backround 
3 dye your backround
4 paint your Llama's fur on with BLACK and WHITE
5 go over your Llama's face with pastol.
Here is my Llama.

After we did our Llama our teacher told us that we had to make a random story about them but it had to have Llama's, paragraphs and we had to make it engaging. I really enjoyed my writing because we were able to write about anything but we just had to put those three things in. Something that was really hard for me was putting those three things into my writing and not using the same words to many times. This was super fun I hope we could do something like this again.

Here is my writing 

The Crazy Party King Derpy Llama Guy 

Hi. I’m Crazy Party King Derpy Llama Guy and this is my story about how I
became the most crazy party king ever.

It all started when I was walking down a road like a normal llama. I saw a sign
Tonight is the biggest party ever!
Whoever is the craziest gets bragging rights,
a crown and the name of crazy party king.
Come to 21 Banana Street and be
the craziest person ever!!!

When I saw this I quickly went home put my fake derpy face on and ran down to
the address. 

After all that running I finally got there and there were a lot of people trying to be
  the crazy party king. All of a sudden there was a loud noise. It sounded like a
robot voice. 
To be the crazy party king you have to first dance and knock everyone off.”

 Out of nowhere a big dance platform came up and it had stairs to get on
but no walls to keep you on. Soon half of the group of people got on and
started dancing and pushing people off. Then a big as guy tried to knock me off.
I moved to the side. He came rushing at me and went flying off.
After he went flying off I laughed at him and turned around.
But when I turned around everyone was looking at me and started ramming at me.
Then at that flash of a moment I jumped. higher than I have ever jumped before.
I stayed up there like I was in space. I landed and everyone cheered.
But that all stopped when the voice came again and asked me, 
What is your name” 
 “Derpy Llama Guy” I say.
 But after I say that I look at the other side and see who I'm going against.
He’s big, He looks kind of strong, he is my arch nemesis,
my twin brother Derpy Llama Dude. We stare each other down until the

The final Match comes and the robot says 
pin the Tail and you shall win”. 
Suddenly a whole bunch of pins came down and my brother
tried to put a pin in my tail so I kept on trying to do it to him.
After that we had one of those battles were you put two
swords together and try to push it at the other but with the smallest pins ever.
But I beat my brother but it was too much for me to put a tack into my brother
so I didn’t do it and he got up and tried walking away but the robot didn’t let us.
So I said to him 
“you do it to me”
 but he disagreed and says for me to do it so I do and I become the Crazy
Party King Derpy Llama Guy, get my crown (which is actually a party) and
celebrate. And that's the story about how I become the
Crazy Party King Derpy Llama Guy.

The End

Wednesday 3 July 2019

The Amazing Stars Of Matariki

In class we made these matariki slides so we could tell people about them, the stuff that they did, symbols that represent them and their family tree. We have been learning about Matariki because it is the Maori new year and some people in our school are Maori like me. This was really difficult because some of the words on the sites were Maori and so we had too look at them and try and guess what word they are. I really enjoyed this because we got to learn more about Matariki and the Maori new year. This was different to all our other Matariki lessons were with like more help and buddies but this one we had to kind of Figure It Out (FIO). 

If you read this properly answer this.
What are the names of the Seven Stars?

Monday 1 July 2019

The Best Animal in the World and Personal Hygiene Writing

In class our student teacher was teaching us about the SEER (starting statement , Explanation, Examples and Relevance) structure.  When we did this we got to choose two different topics I picked personal hygiene and the best animal in the world. Here is my awesome and not boring work.

I think the best animal in the world is a cheetah. This is because of how fast and their skin. For example if they’re getting hunted  they can run away and climb a tree or if their prey is too fast they can run after them. Another example is that when it hunts Zebra, glazelle, impala and other things, it camouflages with the long brown grass and slowly walks up to the prey like an assassin and then it’ll pounce and get some food. these are just some reasons why cheetahs are the fastest and best animal in the world.

Cheetahs are also the best animal in the world. This is because they  are light and have amazing eyesight. For example, cheetahs can see up to 5 km’s away so they can see their prey and hunt it. Another example is that since they are so light they run faster at their prey and run away faster from their predators. These are some more facts about why cheetahs are the best in the world. 

Personal hygiene is really good for you. This is because it helps us be healthier, not to spread germs and to be cleaner. For example if you keep hygiene you won’t get other people sick with your hands or with your mouth. Another example is that if you keep up with you hygiene you will not be smelly or your teeth won’t go rotten.  For example if you do this then you will have nice white teeth and not be really unhealthy. This is why we need to be healthy and keep our hygiene.

These are just some reasons why I think cheetahs are the best and fastest animal on the world and also why personal hygiene is really good to keep hope you enjoyed it.